Price: SGD $1,070
Co-operate is a versatile team-building game containing 3 different exercises. Each exercise can be played by 8 participants. Co-operate can be used time and time again in many situations.
Three exercises to help teams communicate and recognise their different contributions.
Co-operate is perfect for:
Assessment centres, away days or team building sessions;
Ice breakers;
Identifying how a team copes and communicates;
New team development;
Management development.
Co-operate uses three action-oriented exercises which actively illustrate the most important elements of good teamwork. Successful completion of the tasks depends on effective communication, co-operation and decision-making.
Exercise 1: Team Build
The team is asked to complete a series of shapes on different boards, exchanging pieces as they go, without being able to see each others’ boards. Ultimately, the exercise can only be completed if they sacrifice short-term individual goals for the sake of the team’s achievements.
Exercise 2: Team Rescue
The team is required to form a strategy to rescue a “rocket” within a short timeframe. They must listen for the input of other team members and decide who will be actively involved in the operation.
Exercise 3: Team Write
This exercise is only possible if the team pulls together to work as one. The team must control the writing apparatus supplied to manoeuvre a pen and draw different shapes.
Giving Feedback
Each of the activities draws attention to a different aspect of team dynamics, providing plenty of opportunities for observation and feedback.
Cooperate comes with a facilitator’s guide which includes observation and feedback forms so that observed behaviours can be noted for discussion, whether on a one-to-one basis, or as part of a team building day.
Each exercise requires a team of between four and eight people. Depending on your requirements, the three exercises can be run simultaneously with three different teams, allowing up to 24 people to take part. Each exercise takes around 20 minutes to complete, and can be followed up with feedback and debrief time as required.